About the procedure

About the procedure

The process of installing implants in the ALL-ON-4® treatment concept takes place in two treatment phases, with the patient receiving temporary fixed teeth in the jaw after the first phase.

Phase one

Prior to the procedure, a panoramic x-ray and 3D CT are performed, in order to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the dental state and to develop the treatment plan. The procedure itself is performed under local anaesthesia and is completely painless, and includes: extraction of the existing teeth (if necessary), and installation of 4 Nobel Biocare implants. After the procedure, a temporary prosthetic is installed, which is fixed onto the newly installed implants. The next day, the prosthetic is checked to ensure the proper bite.

Phase two

Three to five months later, the permanent prosthetic is installed. The most important part of the permanent prosthetic is the substructure, which can be made of cast metal or milled (titanium or Bio Hpp), which is recommended due to its many advantages. The tooth is built upon this structure with layered composite materials that faithfully mimic the structure of natural teeth. The material is completely biocompatible and physiologically inert, meaning that it will not react negatively to any other materials and has no side effects.

Advantages of milled structures

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